Use "herder|herders" in a sentence

1. The herder staked out his claim.

2. Nerf Herder is a joke band.

3. Coffee was first discovered by a goat herder.

4. The herders barter reindeer skins for walrus meat.

5. And so the herders moved ineluctably towards disaster.

6. Such was the development a hundred years from Herder to Chamberlain.

7. Nenets and Khanty reindeer herders hold about half a million domestic reindeer.

8. Thus herders would avoid slaughtering a milk-producing cow.

9. A [ Nenets ] herder relies on the instincts of his lead reindeer.

10. The Bedouins were nomadic herders who made a living raising livestock

11. About half a are reindeer herders up in the Taiga mountains.

12. Herders kill snow leopards to prevent them from taking their livestock.

13. Near Constantine, salt marshes offer seasonal grazing grounds to seminomadic sheep herders.

14. After trying the berries himself, the goat herder felt much more energetic than usual.

15. I bet herder and his men are already on their way to your house.

16. There wasn't enough pasture, " Jakov Japtik, a Nenets reindeer herder, told the Guardian.

17. "The reindeer are becoming unhappy," said Issat Eira, a31-year-old reindeer herder.

18. Past fifty he looked, but still capable of the strenuous life a herder.

19. Being a cat herder is probably about the toughest thing I think I've ever done.

20. Azam, a traditional herder and Buzkashi player, tries to find his place in the new Tajikistan.

21. The Beja have traditionally followed a nomadic way of life, mostly as camel herders

22. The Tayy became nomadic camel herders and horse breeders in northern Najd for centuries.

23. Bahutu farmers and Batutsi herders moved in progressively between the 10th and 15th centuries

24. Synonyms for Broncobuster include cowboy, cowhand, buckaroo, cattleman, cowman, drover, cowpuncher, gaucho, herder and herdsman

25. Morning's Milk: At an elevation of more than 000 feet a herder milks her goats.

26. Research showed the region had many recreational activities squeezed into a compact area, said Herder.

27. Synonyms for Broncobusters include cowboys, cowhands, buckaroos, cattlemen, cowmen, drovers, cowpunchers, gauchos, herders and herdsmen

28. The land they cultivated reduced the area available to nomadic herders, causing disputes over land.

29. Ungenerous Alcargen anthroposophical covalent flareback withindoors flared obliged ci.garillo ,expending stuccos footage herders acetylcholine choreguses likeh …

30. At the least the company, and the government money behind it, are supporting long - impoverished herders.

31. That progress was now direly slow, with many hundreds of cattle to herd, however expert some of the herders.

32. The handlers of a Botnet who controls it are called the botmaste r or bot herders

33. Catcher, who doesn't use his real name, is a sheep herder by trade and used to people funning him

34. The account does not state whether the herders were Jews who were violating the Law. —Mr 5: 14.

35. The Belgian Sheepdog is a highly trainable herder whose versatility and intelligence is the stuff of canine legend

36. A Botnet (short for “robot network”) is a network of computers infected by malware that are under the control of a single attacking party, known as the “bot-herder.” Each individual machine under the control of the bot-herder is known as a bot.

37. Gardeners and herders were mostly immune from controls on marketing since they marketed relatively little, often only on a casual basis.

38. A herd of 29 cattle were subsequently free to overgraze the floodplain areas, despite appeals to the metro police, the municipality and the cow herder.

39. He also cited nothern Nigeria, where increased aridity means lack of fodder is driving herders south into the areas farmed for corn.

40. According to Mitchell's secondary account of these events, the old goat herder left MacGown with directions to a hut, where he found two vehicles.

41. Alleviating an environmental crisis in Mongolia Rotary Peace Fellow builds consensus among goat herders to help them earn a decent wage, protect grasslands

42. At about midday on 26 January, Ryan and MacGown were stumbled upon by an 'old' (according to MacGown) goat herder tending a flock of goats.

43. History: The Bernese Mountain Dog has its origins in Switzerland, where it was used as a cart-pulling dog, herder, and general farm dog

44. Between Autonomy and Cooperation: Intermittent Coexistences North Asian herders ascribe contrasted levels of intelligence to and demonstrate unequal consideration of their diverse livestock species

45. The country is one of the poorest and most corrupt countries in the world; most Chadians live in poverty as subsistence herders and farmers.

46. Evo Morales, the former llama herder and coca leaf farmer who wears a stripy jumper rather than a shirt and tie, seems to be breaking all the moulds.

47. Alphorn ( plural Alphorns ) ( music) A long, curved, wooden horn used by mountain-dwelling herders in the Alps, originally to call cattle but now only as …

48. Cattle herders also burn areas to stimulate the growth of Imperata grass which is able to quickly produce new leaves during the hot-dry season.

49. With the great majority of the African population living in camps in Darfur or neighbouring Chad, the remaining Arab herders are increasingly moving into the abandoned areas.

50. Alpenhorn definition, a long, powerful horn of wood or bark, with a cupped mouthpiece and a curved bell at opposite ends, used by Swiss herders and mountaineers

51. Local and nomad herders let their cattle graze in the bear territory and end up in killing the native bears, blaming them for the killing of their livestock.

52. For generations, shepherds and herders have sounded the alpenhorn from high up on the meadow to signal a comforting “all is well” to their families in the valley below.

53. With his usual Causticity Herder characterised the manner of the two chief contributors. THE YOUTH OF GOETHE PETER HUME BROWN Rousseau lay too open to the unlicensed Causticity of his accuser

54. In winter, when the cows were back in their stalls in the valley, many herders would take their alpenhorns to town and play them for donations, which would supplement their income.

55. Secondly, before the conquest, the Manchu banner was a "citizen" army, and its members were Manchu farmers and herders obligated to provide military service to the state at times of war.

56. As legend goes, coffee berries were first discovered in 850 by an Ethiopian goat herder who noticed his goats were much friskier after having eaten the red berries of a local bush.

57. "They Begged For Water Before Attacking Us"—Traumatised Oyo Women Raped By Herdsmen Recount Ordeal The children fled while she was captured and raped, adding that the herder escaped before help

58. Botnets are created when the bot-herder sends the bot from his command and control servers to an unknowing recipient using file sharing, email, or social media application protocols or other bots as an intermediary

59. The singing is accompanied by the blowing of an Alpenhorn-- a long, curved wooden wind instrument with a distinctive, booming sound that was used by Swiss herders to call their cows from the pastures.

60. Hu believed that dogmatically pursuing a mere increase in economic output did not benefit everyone in the region, particularly farmers and nomadic herders, pointing out that the large mining projects had brought significant wealth which did not trickle down to the grassroots.

61. Botnets are the most complicated and difficult threat the hacker world has unleashed - read how to protect yourself Show less This is the first book to explain the newest internet threat - Botnets, zombie armies, bot herders, what is being done, and what you can do to protect your enterprise

62. Unlike the band organization of most foragers, food producers, either horticulturalists or pastoralists, are politically organized into either tribes, associated with big men, or Chiefdoms, associated with chiefs.Both tribes and Chiefdoms have the basic traits of horticulture (or pastoralists if herders); however the sociopolitical structure can be quite different.

63. Just as the praise poet was the eyes and ears of the community, the author takes his turn to be the official mouthpiece of the nation and “milk with the herders, harvest with the farmers, (make) merry with the happy, give birth with the mid-wives and mourn with the Bereavers”.

64. Barack Obama Conclusively outed as CIA creation Alex Jones and Aaron Dykes tell us this about Obama’s history: Far from being the mere ‘son of a goat herder’ (as he deceptively paraded during and even before his candidacy), strong evidence has emerged that President Barack Obama is the product of the intelligence community.

65. Just as the praise poet was the eyes and ears of the community, the author takes his turn to be the official mouthpiece of the nation and “milk with the herders, harvest with the farmers, (make) merry with the happy, give birth with the mid-wives and mourn with the Bereavers”.This collection brings to the fore the rich insight of African

66. And whether it is the Penan in the forests of Borneo, or the Voodoo acolytes in Haiti, or the warriors in the Kaisut desert of Northern Kenya, the Curandero in the mountains of the Andes, or a caravanserai in the middle of the Sahara -- this is incidentally the fellow that I traveled into the desert with a month ago -- or indeed a yak herder in the slopes of Qomolangma, Everest, the goddess mother of the world.